School Information

Whitwell High School was built in 1977. WHS is a SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) accredited school. We have a staff of 37 and 387 students for grades 9 - 12. Our school curriculum consists of the regular academic classes, honor classes, career and technology classes, and numerous labs. Our school is constantly changing to try to meet the needs of our students, as indicated by input from businesses, colleges, parents, etc. WHS is a source of pride in the community, not only for academic success but also for athletic endeavors. WHS welcomes visitors at any time.
Broaden students' horizons to become life-long learners.
Encourage the equality and acceptance of all students.
Lead parent and community involvement opportunities throughout the year.
Incorporate the importance of character, values, and self-esteem.
Emphasize a healthy lifestyle and physical well-being.
Foster high standards of academic achievement in a safe and secure environment.
Strive to motivate students with encouragement and respect.
Mission Statement
"Preparing students for success in an ever-changing world."
Vision Statement
"The vision of Whitwell High School is to present each student with a variety of curricula that promotes higher-level thinking. The curriculum will meet all the needs of each student from cognitive to physical so that students are readied to make informed and realistic decisions and contribute to society in a positive manner. "